Clean and crisp cup with notes of blueberry, plum, honey , mollases in taste.
the flavor profile
Recommended brewing method
New Ngariama Farmers Cooperative Society
SCA score:
Sl 28, Sl 34
Step-by-step instructionS
Cup profile depends on the filter:
Chemex paper filter: extremely clean bean taste with no distractions and light body, usually brewed for 1–2 cups.
Usual paper filter: clean fresh taste with nuances of flavors and light body, usually brewed for 1–2 cups.
Chemex metal filter: quite rich taste with discernible flavors and middle body (might be a bit silty), usually brewed for 1–2 cups
Rinse the filter with hot water
Put 30g (≈4,5 tbs) of coffee (medium coarse grind) in the filter (you can use more coffee if you want a more intense flavor)
Gently pour 60g of hot water (92°-94°C) in circular motions to wet the coffee.
Wait for 30 seconds
Add the remaining 200g and enjoy your coffee
Slowly pour in 240g of the hot water in small portions to keep the water level at least 1 inch below the top
HOW TO (3 min):
about kenya COFFEE
The Kainamui washing station services 1800 smallholders, each of them owning on average 200 trees. The nutrient and element rich, red volcanic soil provides an ideal medium for the SL28 and SL34 varieties grown by these producers. Once the ripe cherries are picked, they are brought to the washing station by the farmers. They are then weighed and loaded into a de-pulping machine. After removing the majority of the flesh, the beans are subsequently fermented for 16 to 20 hours, before they are carefully washed and sorted by weight, ensuring that any poor quality beans are removed. Following this, they are moved to tanks where they sit under water for a further 24 hours. After soaking, the coffee is spread out on raised beds and allowed to dry for seven to 15 days.

The Kainamui washing station does more than simply allow local farmers to process their coffee, it also supports its members by providing them with financial assistance for school fees, farming needs.
During the production process, cherries are hand sorted for unripe and overripe by the farmers before they go into production. A 3-disc disc pulping machine removes the skin and pulp. The coffees are graded by density into 3 grades by the pulp­er. Grades 1 and 2 go separately to fermentation. Grade 3 is considered low grade. The coffee is fermented for 16-24 hours under closed shade. After fermentation, the coffees are washed and again graded by density in wash­ing channels and are then soaked under clean water from the Gatomboya stream for 16-18 hours.

Sun dried up to 21 days on African drying beds. Coffees are covered in plas­tic during midday and at night.

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